Monday, September 24, 2012

Math Flowchart

Students are moving through the addition/subtraction chapter in math at their own pace and following a flowchart.  I'm hoping to wrap up addition and subtraction by the middle of next week.  Take a look at an example of the flowchart students see during math, right now...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Proud Teacher

Fourth graders impressed me as they spoke tonight at the Urbandale School Board meeting.  Their poise and enthusiasm was overwhelming.  I was so very proud to be called their teacher.


As part of the fourth grade Realistic Fiction book report, students are asked to give a book commercial about their book.  In the book commercial they talk about the plot and characters from the book they just read, without giving away the ending.  They also say whether they recommend the book or not for reading.  It's a quick 30 seconds and they are allowed three seconds at the end.  It's a great way to get students interested in reading books that their peers have already read.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pinwheels for Peace

We read a book today about September 11- Then and Now.  Students were very interested on what happened and the affect it had on our country.  I could tell they were emotionally impacted by what they learned.  It was really neat to see how passionate they were about learning! After we read, we made Pinwheels for Peace.  Students wrote what they dream and hope for the world on the pinwheel and then decorated it.  We planted them out front in the garden beds for all to see.  If you weren't able to come by Karen Acres after school here are a few pictures from our work.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Online Planner

Thanks to Mrs. Kerr's genius I have created an online planner.  If you have questions about your students' planner, they forgot it at school, or you're sitting at their extra curricular activity wondering what they need to finish for school today, you can now see the planner online:

I will create a link to this site from my school webpage and blog as well.  I would love feedback on what you think of this idea:  good, bad, what should I add?

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Students have been given the task of choosing a realistic fiction book to read through the month of September.  I'm trying to help students find books that interest them and are good fits for them.  All students will have a chapter book to read by Friday, September 7.

As students are reading  their books they will be filling out a story map.  We have been doing them in class as well, so they should understand the different components as we go.  After they are done filling out their story map, they will be making a mobile project to hang in the room.

Please encourage your student to read and work on their story maps outside of school as well.  If you have any questions, let me know.