Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Magazines are coming in!

Students are thoroughly enjoying the new magazines that were ordered for each of our classrooms.  During their read to self and read with someone time the students are choosing to read the different magazines.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cougar Dens today

Today in Cougar Dens we were studying the pillar of trustworthiness.  As part of this study, we discussed a lot of things about trust.  The discussion led us to lying, secret keeping, following through on things you say you're going to do.  As part of our time together, I had students place a rolled up t-shirt over their eyes, and hold it behind their heads (a make shift blind fold, if you will).  Then, they chose a partner to guide them from one side of the classroom to the other, with only their words.  I even let a student lead me across the classroom.  He did a fantastic job and I made my way safely, twice.  I learned so much by letting him guide me.  I know I thoroughly enjoyed the activity and students seemed to enjoy it just as much.

Friday, February 1, 2013


FOURTH GRADE TEAM SPIRIT was displayed when students came to school wearing our "given" color of black.  Here is the class picture from fourth grade.